Monday, August 16, 2010

Tri Newbie's 1st Swim

You could feel the nervous energy in the air as everyone huddled together like baby seals. Everyone just wanted to start the race, nervously staring at the water. We were all discussing how the swim looked more like 800 yards than the 500 yards the race director claimed it to be. Looking back at my swim time, I still demand a remeasure!

Finally my wave started, I strapped on my Women's Vanquisher goggles and headed into the lake. The water was freezing! They said the water was 68 degrees but without the sun being up it felt more like 40. It took my breath away and I had a hard time putting my face in the water. I started to panic so I completely stopped and bobbed my body upright to catch my breath when to my pleasure, I realized I could touch the ground! I quickly demised a plan of water jogging the swim portion rather than trying to swim it! I could easily run 500/800 yards in a shallow lake!

Unfortunately my plan didn't work when I realized the people behind me were quickly approaching and would soon be swimming over me. What was I going to do? I did the smart thing...I swam backstroke. Had I ever practiced that stroke? Nope. Did I really even know how to do it? Not at all. But I was very comfortable in the water being able to see who was coming up on me and knowing that I could smack them before they could smack me! Hey, it's all about survival right? Plus, I got a chance to chat with the lifeguards out there in the kayaks. They paddled next to me as we discussed the race and how I probably wasn't going to win it.

The best part was after the race when I was talking to a 12 time Ironman who had been a lifeguard on the shore during the race. She told me, "I saw this person out there flailing around and I thought I was going to have to save them. I was really worried, grabbed my stuff and started to head in. Then I realized they were okay and they actually did the whole race swimming backstroke. I never took my eyes off of them." I was mortified and replied with a shy, "Oh, she was fine. That was my friend, Beth."


1 comment:

  1. Beth, huh? That's hysterical! I would never have even tried...kudos to you...and "Beth"!
