Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Swimming Through Floaties

After my first tri swim attempt I decided I was going to have to take the swim training seriously and that training like the Clif Bar commercial wasn't such a bad idea after all. Okay, so I wasn't going to get my friends to smack me with paddles, although I'm sure they would have been more than happy to oblige.

I wanted to make sure my practice swims were as close to open water tri swims as possible. The pool I trained in was a tiny 20 yard pool with 4 narrow lanes so I asked my husband to swim with me in the same lane. Seems easy enough, right? Since there's no blue line to follow in lakes or oceans I thought it would be a good idea to close my eyes while doing this as well. To get the true feeling of panic you get when you can't see, you're nervous, cold and knocking into people I made sure he purposely swam over me, hit me, grabbed my feet and all the other fun things that go on during the swim. Now to top it all off, this was not a plan or idea of my own, the oh-so-nice pool worker would pour bleach in my lane while I was swimming. I'm not sure why and it wasn't a pleasant experience but I was hoping it would kill the giant hairballs and what frighteningly looked like poop balls floating around.

The things we do to train for a tri...

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